Talk C☀n︎tent. Danny will talk about his own practice of experimental publishing and how explorative play has informed his way of working beyond the page from artist books to dynamic connected post-digital publishing projects.
𝓑io. Danny Aldred is an educator and visual artist, he teaches MA Communication Design at Winchester School of Art. His own practice centres on experimental publishing with a focus on the artist’s book, with projects chosen for numerous international exhibitions, events, and collections including the V&A Museum, Whitechapel Gallery, Freies Museum, Transmediale Festival in Berlin and Printed Matter in New York. He is a passionate educator who believes in the transformative ability of education.
Artis︎t State𝓜ent. Edge to scroll, sequence to time and image to place. From past to in-between, and into the present, my work investigates the disruption of time through the book as a conceptual form (a sequence of moments in space). Insights are drawn from gleaned content found on the periphery, both analogue and digital, the unseen or little-noticed, noise artefacts and debris, and the otherwise obscure alchemy of standardisation. I look to reconfigure and disrupt the space (and time) within the narrative and investigate new ways to see how it can be approached and experienced through experimental publishing and collaborative projects.
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